Saturday March 20st
9:30am Meet at the cabin near the bridge over the Wind at Stabler, Washington to prep for the morning practice run.
10:30am Shove off for 1st practice run.
12:30pm Arrive at the High Bridge take out. Quick load and shuttle back up to the cabin for lunch and prep for the afternoon race.
1:00pm Race Registration Begins
2:30pm Raft R2 Kayak Long Boat RACE (Mass Start, 8.5 ft or more)
4:15pm Shuttle back up for Saturday evenings festivities at the cabin, bring a lawn chair or tarp if its raining.
5pm BBQ (provided by Next Adventure), free beer for registered participants, music, silent auction...
SUNDAY March 21st
9:30am Registration begins.
10:45am Registration ends.
10:45am Boaters meeting.
11:15am Floaters depart to set up safety, take pictures, shoot footy. We will coordinate where these folks will be stationed at the boaters meeting.
12 (HIGH NOON) : Mass start kayak, (8.5 ft or less)
12:05pm Mass start R4 raft
12:10pm Mass start catarafts
12:15pm Mass start whatever is left.
12:45pm Cataraft Rodeo following the end of the race.
1:45pm Arrive at High Bridge take out for quick load and shuttle back up to the cabin for race results and awards.
3pm Awards and chillin at the cabin